As a project under capacity building of higher education, our chief focus is on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4: Quality Education which aims to train professionals in agriculture, environmental science, forestry, and its allied fields with the offering of Master of Science in Agroecology in Asian universities. Specifically, in Vietnam: Hue University, Vietnam National University of Agriculture; Philippines: Benguet State University, Central Luzon State University; and Sri Lanka: Rajarata University and University of Peradeniya.
The Master’s program is hoped to be one of the driver of socioeconomic development in Asian partner countries as well as in European partner countries in Czech Republic and Portugal.
Other goals such as SDG1: No Poverty, SDG2: No Hunger; SDG5: Gender Equality; and SDG8: Decent Work and Economic Growth are highly relevant in our project as we are striving to reduce poverty, hunger, promote gender inclusivity, support productive and innovative actions towards job creations, protect labor rights and promote safe working environments.
Moreover, the CDAE project correspondingly covers the environmental aspect SDG13: Climate Action; SDG15: Life on Land, and SDG17: Partnerships for the Goals which aims to facilitate our objectives and goals for cooperation and building partnerships around the world.
SDG #1 No Poverty
The CDAE project commitment is to help boost the livelihood of rural communities especially the rural farmers and food producers by providing locally based solutions to their biodiversity and agricultural problems. Agroecology also aims to decrease the reliance of the farmers on external inputs, increase the adoption of local solutions and innovations, and reduce profit loss.

SDG #2 Zero Hunger
The CDAE project commitment is to help promote local and diverse products produced by farmers of all regions. Agroecology supports small-scale farmers and producers by integrating agroecological practices that can enhance the four dimensions of food security- availability, access, stability and utilization.

SDG #4 Quality Education
Quality education is a vehicle toward sustainable development. the CDAE project commitment is to provide equitable education and lifelong learning by offering a Master’s program on Agroecology in Asian countries, particularly in chosen universities in Vietnam, Sri Lanka, and the Philippines. The aim is to provide universal and equal access to quality education to higher education on agroecology knowledge, principles, and practices.

SDG #8 Decent Work and Economic Growth
The CDAE project commitment is to help promote the right to equal opportunities for full and productive employment for all. Agroecology empowers the people and community, especially youths to be the catalyst for development and the primary movers of agricultural entrepreneurship as well as promote innovative and knowledge-based local solutions for agricultural production and environmental conservation and protection.

SDG #13 Climate Action
With the undeniable drastic effects of climate change being experienced mostly by vulnerable countries and regions, the CDAE project commitment is to assist farmers’ and food producers to improve their agricultural production and natural resources management by integrating disaster risk measures to be able to resist natural disruptions, market shocks, and stressors leading to resiliency.

SDG #15 Life on Land
The CDAE project commitment is to take an active role in protecting the earth's resources and be one of the promoters towards biodiversity conservation, restoration, protection, and proper land use to reduce the continuous loss of natural habitats and all life forms that are essential to the ecosystem.

SDG #5 Gender Equality
The CDAE project commitment is to promote gender inclusivity and solidarity. Empowerment of all genders is crucial in sustainable agriculture, food systems, biodiversity conservation, and protection.

SDG #17 Partnerships for the Goals
The CDAE project commitment is to forge linkages, networks and partnerships from local and national governments, higher education institutions, private sectors, potential stakeholders to achieve the SDGs as well as the CDAE project aims, goals and objectives. Strong partnerships and cooperation by countries and people are needed for the SDGs to be realized.