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Day 2 Study Visit to the Philippines

On September 6, 2022, the European partners and the Central Luzon State University participants for the Study Visit to the Philippines had their first part of the agroecology excursion to the Institute of Highland Farming Systems (IHFSA);  Agri-based Technology Business Incubator/Innovation Center (ATBI/IC); and Strawberry Farm to introduce the highland agricultural landscape, farms and agro-biodiversity environment.

The project partners explored the Insectarium,  Natural Museum, Apiary, Tangere - Animal Production, and the 'Coffee under Pines' of Arabica Coffee in IHFSA. They were assisted by IHFSA Director Valentino Macanes,  IHFSA staff, and Dr. Gemma S. Dasilen.

After the experience in IHFSA, the European and CLSU's next stop was at the ATBI/IC. Director Lesley Dale G. Umayat assisted and showcased the food processing for Dried Veggie Noodles at the Food Science Research and Innovation Center.

The first part of the excursion ended at the Strawberry Farm to witness the local farm and its marketplace. ATBI staff Jocy Dangatan assisted with the tour and presented to the partners the Incubation & Innovation Center, where the co-creation lab of the Innotal Project (Erasmus+ funded) was lodged. Then, she introduced some of the initiatives and interventions of the center to assist local strawberry and vegetable farmers' production in La Trinidad.

After the excursion, the project partners proceeded to the Everlasting Hall to continue the training for Module 2A Curriculum & Module 3B Course Design Evaluation, and Module 5B Entrepreneurship Skills, where Marios Parakevopoulos and Michalis Tsakonas facilitated the training by Novel Group Sarl.

Paras expressed that there are numerous ways to develop or design a curriculum, but he stressed and suggested that a curriculum should be anchored to the student's needs and interests and meet the university's strategic goals, mission, and vision.

Further, in the discussion of the Novel Group Sarl speakers on the Entrepreneurship Skills module, they emphasized the words: listen, understand and empathize. "Knowledge is powerless if we do not listen and understand where the consumers or our employees are coming from. Know how they feel on matters. We need to be reminded that two-way communication is important for the road to success, not only to our human resources but to business or entrepreneurship," speakers from Novel Group Sarl said.

After the training, Benguet State University and Mendel University in Brno (Mendelu) had a quick discussion on possible opportunities for students and personnel for the offering of the Master of Science in Agroecology at the university. Both parties agreed to create a Memorandum of Understanding to bind the agreements and to work together even after the CDAE project ends.
